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Chiropractic care for back pain and neck pain



The spine is an intricate, complex structure. So, when things go wrong a unique set of skills and expertise are mandatory to manage the issues that arise.


Whilst back pain is often the presenting complaint, there are a myriad of other issues that may accompany it. Complex disorders of the nervous system such as migraine, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia and balance disorders are often intertwined in the presentation of back and neck pain. Our practitioner has postgraduate qualifications in the area of pain science and pain management and is therefore well versed beyond the basics of mechanical pain.


Our goal is to provide expert, evidence-based management for people with both simple and complex pain, with particular emphasis on spine related disorders (neck and back pain).


Our assessment procedures and protocols are thorough and help ensure that the treatment we provide is in keeping with our scope of practice.


We utilise a range of "hands on" and "hands off" management approaches that are well supported by the scientific community.


Hands On Therapy (Chiropractic)


Our practitioner is a registered chiropractor with a masters degree. Whilst chiropractic is our primary professional label, this clinic applies a range of interventions beyond traditional chiropractic practises. At Peek Practice we utilise a range of current evidence-based approaches to treat your area of concern. These may include joint mobilisations and manipulationssoft tissue treatments (including massage)acupuncture and dry needling. 


  • We do not "just crack backs", chiropractic is a healthcare profession; it is not defined solely by the use of one technique.

  • Spinal manipulation or spinal adjustments are used in this clinic where indicated, we also use a number of other techniques that may be less "invasive", particularly if you are apprehensive about joint cracking.


A key focus at this clinic is to deliver patient-centred care, this involves a combination of your treatment preferences and goals, the practitioners experience and a current evidence-based approach to the management of your condition. We also aim to encourage self-efficacy beyond treatment and provide you with the tools to develop a healthier and more active lifestyle.


*See Also

- How Does Spinal Manipulation Work?

- What to Expect 

- Back and Neck Pain Resources

Headache and Spinal Manipulation


Pain Therapy or Pain Management


Pain is a complex, personal experience that is fundamentally unique and individual. This means that pain is subjective (you cannot experience another persons pain). 


Hence our management of pain should be directed at the individual not just the symptom. The science of pain directs us to this complexity and emphasises the importance of treating pain as a multidimensional phenomenon with physical, psychological and social underpinnings (i.e., the whole person). 


At Peek Practice we assess and manage pain with this fundamentally important premise at forefront. Contemporary pain management strategies utilised at this clinic (including cognitive behavioural and educational strategies) target the relationship our clients have with their pain experience. These therapeutic strategies have been shown to be effective tools in reducing the disability associated with pain. When employed early in the course of an episode of back or neck pain this approach may prevent the development of chronic pain.


Management approaches utilised in this clinic include motivational interviewing, cognitive behavioural therapy (acceptance and commitment therapy and cognitive functional therapy), mindfulness techniques and pain neuroscience education. 


*See Also

- The Amazing Science of Pain 

- The psychology of Back Pain

neck and back pain management
Acupuncture and dry needling for back and neck pain
Acupuncture has become widely used in manual and physical therapy practices; the origins of traditional acupuncture methods originate in ancient china.
In recent times the theories underpinning this age-old treatment have been tested through more western scientific reasoning.
The effects of acupuncture are likely a combination of the following mechanisms:
  • Local effects -  the activation of certain chemicals in the tissue to stimulate a micro-inflammatory effect on injured tissues; this accelerates the healing process leading to early recovery.
  • Segmental effects - acupuncture stimulates certain nerve fibres; the activation of these fibres has a competitive effect on pain transmission, therefore suppressing the sensation of pain.
  • Central effects - recent studies have focused on the effects of needling sensations on the brain; the resulting responses in the brain stimulate release of natural pain relieving substances such as endorphins, enkephalins and pain modulatory chemicals such as seratonin and nor-adrenaline.
  • Muscle, trigger point effects - acupuncture may help to desensitise and release taught bands in muscle
Reference - White, A., Cummings, M., & Filshie, J. (2008). An Introduction to Western Medical Acupuncture, Churchill Livingstone, U.K
*See Also
What to Expect
- Physiotherapy Acupuncture Association Informed Consent Guidelines


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